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Vintage Shiraz Pictorial Rug, No.13322 - Gsblank

Vintage Shiraz Pictorial Rug

No. 13322
Persia, 1940
5 ft. 1 in. x 7 ft. 7 in.
(1.54 x 2.29 m)

A vintage Persian Shiraz pictorial rug. Not Donald Trump. Not Frankenstein’s monster.  A small human male head is set on a very square shouldered, very dark brown body, on a plain red ground and within triangular stepped royal blue corners. A black and white keyhole reciprocal border stands out. Who is this person? Will scare the children. Very weird rug from south Persia.

  • Hand-knotted in Persia
  • Wool
  • One-of-a-kind