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Antique Persian Kurd Bidjar Runner, No.32777 - Gsblank

Antique Persian Kurd Bidjar Runner

No. 32777
Persia, Early 20th Century
4 ft. 5 in. x 8 ft. 5 in.
(1.34 x 2.55 m)

A wool pile of symmetric knots on a wool foundation. Village Bidjars are often mistakenly called 'Kurd Bidjars,' although all Bidjars are woven by Kurds. This mellow, rustic village piece features a quasi-Caucasian design with a nested central hexagon, two small attendant squares, and two bold ashik-type finial medallions, all connected by a thick ecru sand vinery. The strip-style beige main border is adorned with eccentrically drawn, reversing turtles. The central axis is implied but distinct.