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Vintage Persian Flatweave, No.26103 - Gsblank

Vintage Persian Flatweave

No. 26103
Persia, Circa 1960
3 ft. 1 in. x 4 ft. 7 in.
(0.93 x 1.39 m)

A vintage Persian Flatweave. The colorful stripes flow like melted taffy across this rustic Persian flat woven scatter. The stripes even out toward the ends, but wiggle like drunken worms nearer the center. The bands expand and contract and are toned in red, straw, lemon and goldenrod yellow, pale blue, medium blue and red. The rug is guaranteed not to flow away – except in a flood – however.

  • Hand-woven in Persia
  • Wool
  • One of a kind

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