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Antique Caucasian Karabagh Long Runner, No.30873 - Gsblank

Antique Caucasian Karabagh Long Runner

No. 30873
Caucasus, Early 20th Century
4 ft. 1 in. x 23 ft. 2 in.
(1.23 x 7.01 m)

This piece features a wool pile of symmetric knots on a cotton warp. While most Caucasian rug types tend to favor geometric designs, the Karabagh area—traditionally weaving rugs for both Iranian and overseas markets—has often embraced traditional Persian patterns, as seen here. The light pearl field presents a version of the Herati design, with particularly bold, bitonal C-shaped leaves and relatively subdued open diamonds. Near the center of the field, a horse and rider, along with a standing figure, appear. The border abrashes in various shades of rose and red-rust and is adorned with hexagonal cartouches, each containing one, two, or three stepped cross-diamonds.