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Vintage Persian Flatweave, No.26114 - Gsblank

Vintage Persian Flatweave

No. 26114
Persia, Circa 1960
3 ft. 10 in. x 6 ft. 9 in.
(1.16 x 2.04 m)

A vintage Persian Flatweave. Stripes are the easiest pattern to weave and the result can become too stiff unless, as here, the colors constantly vary and the stripes themselves move about freely. Some stripes are speckled, some systematically dotted, but all partake in a gentle motion. Goldenrod, rust, red, navy, straw, eggshell, teal and black are among the non-repeating tones on this Persian rustic weft-faced scatter.

  • Hand-woven in Persia
  • Wool
  • One of a kind

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