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Vintage Persian Tabriz Long Runner, No.13269 - Gsblank

Vintage Persian Tabriz Long Runner

No. 13269
Persia, 1930
2 ft. 7 in. x 18 ft. 1 in.
(0.78 x 5.47 m)

A vintage Persian Tabriz runner. Matching 13269 in color and style with a taupe field and repeating Herati pattern, this runner must have also been a special order as Tabriz tends to specialize in room size carpets. But they can weave anything there. All you need is a (second!) long hallway, or one even longer, say 38 or 40 feet. Design your apartment around these runners.

  • Hand-knotted in Persia
  • Wool
  • One-of-a-kind